Your Story

Splashes of Science is committed to shining a light on the diverse narratives of those affected by conflict and displacement. Sharing your story can inspire change, foster empathy, and connect communities across the globe.

How to Share Your Story:

  1. Prepare Your Story: Think about what you want to share. Your journey, experiences, challenges, and hopes are important to us. You can write your story or record it as an audio or video message.
  2. Fill Out the Submission Form: Provide basic information about yourself (as much as you are comfortable with). We respect your need for privacy and confidentiality. The information about you will never be shared without your permission. Upload your written story, audio, or video file (the maximum file size is 25mb; if your file is larger, please share with us a downloadable link).
  3. Review and Consent: Review your submission to ensure it accurately reflects your experience and thoughts. Provide consent for us to share and edit your story. You can choose to remain anonymous or share your name with your story. Once you are ready, click the “Submit” button to send your story to our team.

Privacy and Respect: We take your privacy seriously. Your information and story will be handled with the utmost respect and confidentiality. You control how much you share about yourself, and you can choose to remain anonymous in our publications.

What Happens Next: Our team will review your submission and may contact you to clarify details or discuss how we can share your narrative. We are dedicated to presenting your story authentically and powerfully, aiming to make a positive impact.

Thank You for Your Courage: Sharing your story requires bravery, and we honor your strength. By contributing your narrative, you are not only reclaiming your voice but also helping to build bridges of understanding, empathy and positive changes.