Asmorom’s harrowing journey from Eritrea to Israel, and eventually to safety in Italy, is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of relentless adversity. Fleeing Eritrea in 2007 at the tender age of 18, Asmorom’s quest for safety led him through a gauntlet of violence at the hands of smugglers, only to face a precarious existence in Israel. Granted only a temporary visa, he lived on the margins, unable to work legally, integrate into the community, or pursue education. His precarious status culminated in a stark ultimatum: detention, return to Eritrea, or relocation to Rwanda—a decision made under the shadow of Israel’s policy of relocating Eritreans and Sudanese, which has been criticized for putting lives at risk.

Opting for Rwanda in the face of certain danger in Eritrea, Asmorom found himself in yet another vulnerable position, with no information or documentation, and fearing for his safety due to being targeted for the money provided by Israeli authorities. This fear propelled him and his companions to flee to Uganda, setting off another perilous leg of his journey through Sudan, and ultimately, Libya. There, Asmorom faced unimaginable hardships, including kidnapping, extortion, and witnessing the death of friends, encapsulating the grave risks many refugees endure in their search for safety.

Miraculously reaching Italy, Asmorom found the sanctuary he had long sought. Granted refugee status, he embarked on rebuilding his life, attending language school with hopes of integration and reuniting with his wife. Yet, the scars of his odyssey are indelible, marked by the loss of his friends Ibra and Tesfalem, whose stories he carries as a solemn testament to the countless lives lost or shattered by migration crises.